
GitHub – gw90

Stack Overflow – gw90

Scratch – gregory9

The Classroom Door

The Classroom Door is a digital tutoring platform from Arete Educational Consulting. I am a developer on The Classroom Door’s web app. I started working with the development team 2018 and have continued ever since.

I built the frontend at myself, and I contributed to the web app as well. I built it in TypeScript using React and SASS.

NYC School Tech

NYC School Tech is a simple website I built to connect students who need laptops and tablets for school with people who have extra devices to donate.

I built the site in TypeScript with React, Tailwind CSS, and a Firebase backend to store data, handle user authentication, and send emails.

This is a photo of me teaching a workshop on making Scratch 2 extensions at Scratch Day at Teacher’s College, Columbia University in 2015.

Some smaller projects I’ve done:

Athenian Learning is a currently disabled website that used the Quizlet API to let people play study games with their Quizlet flashcard sets.
Coursacado has links to many free programming courses and tutorials.
SBX-Share is a website for people to share scratch project which use experimental extensions.

My Netlogo Puzzle game lets you import any image and then breaks the image into puzzle pieces which you can drag and drop to reassemble the image.